Thursday, October 11, 2012


I am so happy to have today off!  As I wrote earlier this week my friend was here and I picked her up on my way home from work and she was dropped off on Monday as I went to work and now this weekend we'll be in Illinois for my nieces baptism.  (YAY YAY YAY!!!)  I have been exhausted all week.  I wanted to get off Monday but couldn't find a sub until today so I took it!

I realized I really haven't had a day off (to myself) since I started my job and considering I haven't worked in so long I'm pleased with how well I adjusted to going back to work full time.  But with that said, I needed a day off!

I have a to do list a mile long today to make up for last weekend and pack for this weekend.  There's a lot of little things that have been pushed aside and I am ready to conquer them all today!  Happy day, happy day!  I love days off!  All I need to do is get through tomorrow at work and then I am heading back to Illinois and get to see entire family! And eat some really tasty food. ;-)

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