Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Job Interview in July

I hope I'm not too premature in writing this but when I wrote about the theater shooting I said I'd share about the interview I went on and now I have reason to actually explain it all.

As I wrote last week, I have had way too much time to analyze the decision I've made with the teacher vs. teacher aide position and all the other options out there regarding other teaching jobs, aide positions, or even subbing.  But I believe that yesterday I got the confirmation again that God has his hand in all this. 


About 2 weeks after I accepted the teacher aide position, I got an email that the teacher who I was supposed to work under had switched schools so my future "boss" wanted me to come and interview for the teaching position.  I was ecstatic!  Many days passed but the interview was scheduled for Friday morning, 8:00 am July 20...when we had Jason's brother and sister-in-law would be here. (not good have company and an early morning interview planned!)

Thursday night we all went to grab dinner and drinks but I had to be in bed super early for the nterview.  When my alarm went off, I woke up to all those texts , missed calls and emails about a shooting and had to watch the news and try to understand what had happened. It was all just way too much for me needing to be at an interview at 8:00am.  But I did and despite the chaos and sadness of the morning, it went really well. So well that I got a call back for round two which would be at 11:45 that same day.  The second interview was with the principal which also went well. I was told to expect a call with the decision later that day.  I got a call around 4:00 but found out the principal was taking the weekend to decide. I figured they had offered the job to the other candidate who was just taking the weekend to decide.  After a long weekend of wondering and assuming the worst, Monday I got the call that I didn't get it but I was assured that the principal really took the weekend to decide and he was impressed and that the other teacher has some 20 years teaching (of some sort...not necessarily in the classroom) experience. 

Okay, so then things got kind of weird.  Because now I would be working under a teacher who "beat me" on the job and from what I can tell, I don't believe she has any special ed experience which was the whole point of me taking the aide shadow a good special ed teacher and learn. Needless to say I was a little disappointed in the outcome.  However, many pluses came of the whole experience.  I learned that I impressed them enough to first be asked to apply, then to be interviewed and then move that far along the process.  I got to meet the principal and talk to him about my goals as a special ed teacher. I got to see more of the school and learn more about the principals goals for the school and the special ed department.  I got to see a side of the school I probably won't get to see as an aide. 

So after all that I was really questioning where this job was going to take me working under a new teacher and in a classroom that isn't exactly what I hope to teach someday. 

Yesterday I got a call to tell me about my first day, where to be, when to be there, what to wear, etc.  I also learned that I have been switched classrooms!  I've been switched to a classroom with the (types of) students I hope to work with someday and with a teacher with a (little) experience teaching.  (only a year but that's a step up from the other teacher from what I can tell.)  I  have my ideas as to why I was switched but think it's the best situation for me all around.  And I never even asked for it.  I am so thankful!  Very very happy to start on Friday and learn if this is really something I should be excited about. :)

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