Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Another Facebook Break

I am taking a break from Facebook from Thanksgiving until the new year. It's a much needed break! Last night I actually read a magazine (a real paper magazine...not on my iPad) and it was so refreshing. Made me realize how much I am exposed to on Facebook and how much negativity there is on it. (Ferguson comes to mind this week, the political negativity from the elections in weeks prior). The magazine was mostly positive and uplifting! I wish I could deactivate FB completely for this break but I can't with my business page for my Jamberry business. But it will be deleted from my phone and I won't be checking my regular account at all. No more newsfeed...just saying that makes me want to leap for joy. I am so excited but also know it's going to be hard in the beginning. So long can catch me here or on Instagram or better yet let's chat on the phone or in person. :) 

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